Hawaiian Thunderstorm

The happiest-looking storm you’ll ever see

As soon as we booked our flights, it dawned on us that we hadn’t checked the weather forecast for O’ahu. Naturally, the prediction was a full week of thunderstorms. We shrugged it off and hoped the weatherman was wrong.

A few years ago, we found a magical beach while driving on the north eastern coast. The water was a shade of turquoise that looked too pretty to be real. To top it off, we had the whole beach to ourselves in all of its golden fine sand glory. We eagerly made the forty minute drive back to the sacred spot.

The ocean was its happy shade of turquoise, just like we remembered it. So far, the weather seemed fine. There were some clouds but nothing menacing. We paused for a moment, taking in the scenery. No sooner had we sat down that it started pelting. Not pouring. Pelting. A sunny, cheery storm drenched our paper straw hats and everything around.

Five minutes later, it was over and time for a swim. Then we watched a mighty little crab dig its hole, dragging tiny buckets of sand with its pinchers and legs, and throwing them out with vigor.

Tiny mosquitoes were our cue to leave the creatures to their evening routine. We packed our wet blanket, towels, hats, etc and ambled back to our car, content to have witnessed the happiest of storms.

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